Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Automatic Watches Vs Quartz Watches

There are many types of clocks there, but those who are concentrated here, are automatic watches and quartz watches. Each species has its own way of working, although if it is about values, automatic watches usually more valued. This does not mean that quartz watches are valuable, and depending on the quality of it, some quartz watch on the price of automatic watches. The price depends on the materials used to make the clock, the brand, and several otherFactors that not only the type.

The most important thing about the automatic watch is that it automatically stops the winding process when the engine is now full. If you have a clock on wound, it can for the poor internal mechanisms and eventually lead to the premature death of the clock. Regular quartz clocks have no such protection, although some hybrids, which are used to protect the former clock with the precision of the latter clocks.

QuartzWatches are working with an electrical circuit, in particular, an oscillator, and the regulation with a quartz. The quartz is cut into the perfect shape and at a certain angle, it is added that execute when an electric current through them, the crystal vibrates to 32,768 Hz, a circuit will then increase the time by one second. The science behind the numbers is very complex, even though everyone who have a basic understanding of physics principles, it can understand.

With this precision, crystal watchesare more accurate than automatic watches also require, car clocks more service than quartz watches. The main advantage of automatic watches, in addition to the winding is that it requires no batteries. Most crystal watches need batteries in the crystal in place.

A decision about what you need to do, you weigh the pros and cons of each type of View. If you can not afford an automatic clock that is not such a big deal,Light quartz watches have so many benefits, automatic watches are more for prestige purposes. Otherwise, a quartz watch is not good for the average person, and also the name sounds quite nice.

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